
Packer3d Online Service

Packer3d Online Service v.3 performs mixed box, cylinder/drum, and pallet cargo loading plan optimization for containers, trucks, and railroad cars.

Packer3d Online Service is the online version of local Packer3d Prof software and offers the same Features and Capabilities.

Packer3d Online Service is accessed through Packer3d Online Client application installed on your computer.

Connecting to Packer3d Online Service is easy.

How to begin using Packer3d Online Service

  1. Register on packer3d.com website; registration is free.

  2. Download and install the Packer3d Online client application, which is used to access the Packer3d Online Service.

  3. Enter your login and password in the Packer3d Online Client application configuration settings.

  4. Purchase a convenient service plan through Packer3d Online Store

You can now start using the Packer3d Online Service!

Create a load planning task in Packer3d Online client, click the Calculate button, and your task will be sent to the Packer3d Online server. After a short period of time that depends on the number of tasks in the queue, your will get back a completed Loading Plan.

Charges and Fees

In order to start using Packer3d Online Service, the User should purchase a service plan of his choice through Packer3d Online Store. Services are provided on pre-pay bases, similar to pre-pay mobile telephone service. Two service plans are currently available: "Per-Calculation Plan" with per-calculation charge and no monthly fees, and "Unlimited Access Plan", with monthly subscription fee and no per-calculation charges.
10 points are deducted from the account of a Per-Calculation Plan user for each calculation performed. Current account balance is displayed in the status line of Packer3d software, and can be checked in the User Account section on Packer3d website. Once the account balance is used up, new loading calculations will not be performed; however, previously performed calculations will remain accessible to the user. Unused points will remain in the user’s account indefinitely as long as at least one calculation is performed every six months. Once all of the points are used up, the type of service plan can be changed by simply selecting another plan and purchasing it.


Services can be purchased by both individuals and institutions. After the payment is credited to our account, the access to Packer3d Online Service for login and password provided will be granted automatically, under the conditions of the selected service plan. The same login and password can be used by an unlimited number of users, provided that they all share the same external IP address.
Customers from Russia can purchase our services through our Russian Language Online Store, and pay in rubles.

Help and Support

It is altogether possible that, at first, trial loading calculations will appear to you as not optimized, and, perhaps, even as totally wrong. However, don’t jump to conclusions as to the Service’s effectiveness! As with any tool, using Packer3d Service requires learning some skills. Once you know how to use the Service, you won’t be able to imagine how you ever got along without it. Ask any questions about your Loading Plan by calling our Moscow hotline: +7 926 520 6171 or through any other means on our Contacts page, and we’ll help you to correctly configure the Service to obtain the best results.
If you must have an optimized Loading Plan right away and have no time right now to figure out the settings, you can take advantage of our Order a Loading Plan service.


Loading tasks, which require server processing times in excess of an hour, will be considered invalid and automatically removed from the queue.
IP addresses, from which loading tasks are submitted, are tracked; accessing the Service from different IP addresses by the same User may lead to the User being blocked and the User’s account being canceled without a refund.

Information on SOAP server commands for IT professionals is available at: https://www.packer3d.ru/soap/.

Loading plan samplesLoading Plan Examples
The handbook of the most popular vehiclesVehicles handbook
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