user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine
query: SELECT DISTINCT n.nid, n.title, p.active, n.created, SUM(c.chvotes) AS votes FROM node n INNER JOIN poll p ON n.nid = p.nid INNER JOIN poll_choices c ON n.nid = c.nid INNER JOIN node_access na ON na.nid = n.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'content_access_author') OR (na.gid = 1 AND na.realm = 'content_access_rid') OR (na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'domain_site') OR (na.gid = 2 AND na.realm = 'domain_id'))) AND (n.language ='en') AND ( n.status = 1 )GROUP BY n.nid, n.title, p.active, n.created ORDER BY n.created DESC LIMIT 0, 15 in /var/www/packer3d/www/modules/poll/poll.pages.inc on line 16.